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Criminal Law

Criminal Law

 Over 35 Years of Experience | Experienced Attorney | Member of the State Bar of Texas

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Have You Been Accused of Committing a Crime?

From misdemeanors to felonies, you need representation that has experience on your side. With over 30 years in practice, attorney Brad Shaw has the knowledge you are looking for. 

Be sure that you are informed of all of your rights from the beginning when decisions made will affect the outcome of your case. We will personal attention to your case at  Brad Shaw Attorney At Law.

Do Not Consent to Searches

It is seldom, if ever, a good idea to consent to a search. After you have told the officer politely, "no" and he / she asks "if you have nothing to hide, then why not?" Just tell the officer that you believe in and support the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Protecting Juveniles & Adults

After being accused of a crime, the most important thing you need to consider is your future. We will protect your rights regardless of your age. We strive to get you the most favorable outcome by aggressively representing you.

Building You a Strong Defense

  • Sexual offenses
  • Aggravated assault
  • DWI / DUI
  • Robbery
  • Forgery
  • Property crimes
  • Drug crimes
  • Juvenile crimes
  • Expunctions - Non-disclosures

Every case is different.

Let us hear about yours and call today.


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